
Keltis kmetija Kelhar

Vrhovnica 5a, 8259 Bizeljsko, Slovenija

M: +386 (0)31 553 353 (Miha)
M: +386 (0)31 807 862 (Marijan)


ID za DDV: SI43580483

Rural development


Title of the activity: Organic farming (measure 11)

Objectives: Encourage farms to implement organic farming
Expected results: Contribution to the provision of public goods, especially to the preservation or improvement of biodiversity, conservation of drinking water resources, soil fertility, cultural farming landscape, protection of the environment in general.

Title of the activity: Agri-environment-climate payments (measure 10)

Objectives: Reduce the environmental impact of farming.
Expected results: Conservation of biodiversity and landscape, proper water management and soil management, and mitigation and adaptation of farming to climate change.

Title of the activity: Payments to areas facing natural or other spcific constraints (measure 13)

Objectives: Maintain the cultivation of agricultural land, maintain the settlement of rural areas and ensure public benefits in areas facing natural or other specific constraints (ANCs).
Expected results: ANC payments will contribute to the preservation and promotion of sustainable farming systems, the preservation of the cultural landscape of rural areas and the sustainable use of agricultural land.

Title of the activity

Miha Kelhar, Vrhovnica 5a, 8259 Bizeljsko, is the recipient of financial resources from Sub-measure 4.2 – Support for investments in processing, marketing or development of agricultural products for 2018 from the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2014–2020 (RDP 2014–2020). The activity is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The funds were approved for the project “PURCHASE OF CELLAR EQUIPMENT (equipment for grape processing and storage of must and wine)”.

Description of the activity

As part of the activity “PURCHASE OF CELLAR EQUIPMENT”, an investment was made in the purchase of equipment for wine processing in the wine cellar on the Kelhar farm. The investment is co-financed with the financial support of the European Union.
The aim of the activities and investments is to improve production conditions, reduce costs and increase productivity on the Kelhar farm, and thus improve the business results of the farm. The investment contributes to achieving the goals in the field of modernization of the agricultural and processing sector in Slovenia.
Results of the activity: new modern cellar equipment in the wine cellar, increase of added value of farm products and created conditions for further growth and development of the farm.

Title of the activity

Miha Kelhar, Vrhovnica 5a, 8259 Bizeljsko, is the recipient of financial resources from sub-measure 6.1 – Aid for starting activities for young farmers for 2018 from the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Slovenia for the period 2014–2020 (RDP 2014–2020). The activity is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Funds are approved for the project: purchase of new agricultural machinery, purchase of information and communication technology, purchase of special agricultural machinery and maintenance of agricultural production.

Description of the activity

Increasing the competitiveness of the farm, by purchasing new agricultural machinery. Preservation of agricultural production, purchase of information and communication technology and purchase of special agricultural machinery for steep terrain.
